My Music Playlist


Click the button to hear the song. When you want to pause or stop the song, go to the top of the window and click on the button that is shaped like a music note. You can then click on the pause button shown there to pause the music.



  1. CEMETERY (by AViVA)

  2. COPYCAT (by Billie Eillish)

  3. Despair Nightcore (by Miss Pavlova)

  4. E.V.I.L Nightcore (by AViVA)

  5. Freak Nightcore

  6. HUSHH Nightcore (by AViVA)

  7. Hide and Seek Nightcore (by Unknown)

  8. HYPNOTIZED Nightcore (by AViVA)

  9. I'm Insane (by Unknown)

  10. Just Gold {Female Version, Nightcore} (from "Five Nights at Freddy's")

  11. Levitate Nightcore (by Neia Jane and Fytch)

  12. Liar Nightcore (by HARINA)

  13. Lily (by Alan Walker)

  14. Lullaby of Woe (by Ashley Serena)

  15. My Family Nightcore (from "The Addams Family")

  16. Painted Smile (by Madam Macabre)

  17. Psycho (by AViVA)

  18. Queen (by Unknown)

  19. Rules Nightcore (by AViVA)

  20. Survive the Night {Nightcore} (from "Five Nights at Freddy's")

  21. Take A Hint (by Victorious)

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  1. Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life (by Kagamine Len and GUMI)

  2. 'Cause I'm A Liar [Kaito Saihara Fan Song] (by Fukase)

  3. Circus Monster (by GUMI)

  4. Daughter of Evil (by Kagamine Rin)

  5. Servant of Evil (by Kagamine Len) {sequel to Daughter of Evil}

  6. Echo (by GUMI)

  7. Hiding From the Truth [Shuichi Saihara Fan Song] (by Kagamine Len)

  8. Killing Harmony (by Hatsune Miku)

  9. Lost One's Weeping (by Hatsune Miku and Fukase)

  10. Merry Bad End (by Kagamine Rin)

  11. MONSTER (by GUMI)

  12. OBEY (by Fukase)

  13. Okasaan (by Hatsune Miku)

  14. Paradichlorobenzene (by Fukase)

  15. PONPONPON (by Kagamine Len)

  16. Portrait of the Pirate (by Kagamine Len and others)

  17. ROKI ROKI (by Unknown)

  18. Senbonzakura (by Kagamine Len)

  19. SNOBBISM (by Kagamine Len and Rin)

  20. Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night (by Kagamine Len and Rin)

  21. The Riddle Solver Who Can't Solve Riddles(by Kagamine Len)

  22. Vampire's Pathos (by Kagamine Len)

  23. 【鏡音レン】レンアイゲーム【オリジナル曲】(by Kagamine Len)

  24. 【ニューダンガンロンパV3】くたばろうぜ【手描き】(by Kagamine Len and Rin)

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Normal Songs

  1. Ainsi Bas La Vida (by Indila)

  2. Anxiety (by Besomorph and the Tech Thieves)

  3. Blackout (by AViVA)

  4. Break My Mind (from "Five Nights at Freddy's"

  5. Choke (by Royal and the Serpents)

  6. Dangerous (by Besomorph and the Tech Thieves)

  7. Everything at Once (by Lenka)

  8. Fallin' (by Muri)

  9. House of Memories(by Panic! At the Disco)

  10. Hush (by Ashley Serena)

  11. Kaito's Thoughts

  12. Levitate {Original} (by Fytch and Neia Jane)

  13. 王馬の脳内革命【ネタバレ手書きMAD】

  14. My Domain (by Svrcina)

  15. My Nocturnal Serenade (by YOHIO)

  16. Paint It Black (by Unknown)

  17. Painted Smile (Original)

  18. Poisson Rouge (by Saint Privat)

  19. Run Run (by Indila)

  20. The Harry Potter Rap Part 1 (by LetsNotMedia)

  21. The Harry Potter Rap Part 2 (by LetsNotMedia)

  22. The Harry Potter Rap Part 3 (by LetsNotMedia)

  23. Tourner Dans La Vide (by Indila)

  24. Twisted Games (by Night Panda, Krigare)

  25. YOHIO Opera #2 (by YOHIO)

  26. You Are Mine (by Kayliana)

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